Is Columbus Closed on Columbus Day? A Comprehensive Guide

Columbus Day is a federal holiday, which means that most government offices and banks will be closed. An exception is the American National Bank, which keeps its branches open. ATMs will still be available if you need cash or want to make a deposit. Christopher Columbus is often credited with leading European immigration to North America, but recent history has revealed that he was less of a hero and more of an antagonist who brought diseases, wars, and other hardships to the land that would eventually become the United States. He can be credited with opening up the Americas to European colonists, but in recent years it has become better known that Christopher Columbus was less of a heroic historical figure and more of a villain. Hispanic Heritage Day is not federally recognized, but it is an official holiday in 10 states and dozens of cities, which choose not to celebrate Columbus Day.

Celebrated on the second Monday of October, Hispanic Heritage Day is intended to commemorate the anniversary of Christopher Columbus' arrival in the Americas, which took place in October. So, is Columbus closed on Columbus Day? The answer is yes. Most government offices and banks will remain closed on this day. However, some banks may remain open, so it's best to check with your local branch before making any plans. Although Christopher Columbus may not be celebrated as a hero anymore, his legacy still lives on in the form of holidays like Columbus Day and Hispanic Heritage Day. Whether you choose to celebrate or not, it's important to remember the history behind these holidays and the impact they have had on our nation.

Delores Buechele
Delores Buechele

Professional music nerd. Professional tv lover. Devoted tv aficionado. Passionate travel ninja. Subtly charming coffee scholar. Professional tv aficionado.